Kathleen KennedyI

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- Remeber good old times (1977-2012) when we all love Star Wars which was a "'Soap Opera' About 'Family Problems,' Not 'Spaceships'" - as George Lucas the creator of this universe said? :)
- 2012 happened... and K.Kennedy and her acolites came on the stage and start forcing their political-ideological agendas into Star Wars project that are responsible for all the bad and toxic things happening with Star Wars - against the will of the fans and Lucas himself causing the damage we all see... :/
There would never be this conflict and dividing people - if Star Wars had remained as Lucas created it as - "a story for the family about the fight between good and evil and about the hope"... :/
- But by forcing their own agendas into the SW, K.K. and her fanatics acolites are entirely guilty and responsible for all conflicts and divisions - which is destroying Star Wars from inside... :/

K. Kennedy's biggest problem is that she just isn't a fan of SW at all...
It is clear from all her interviews that she does not "feel" the Star Wars atmosphere. She herself talks about SW as a phenomenon in terms of film production, the technology used and the impact of this series on the development of cinematography and a place where she can push her ideologies into the movies and franchise without any respect for viewers and fans varied fellings... Therefore, it is not possible to objectively assess how the fans will adopt given plot solutions. Movies like SW should be made for fans because they are the audience and pay for them. Otherwise why do them at all? For a self-learning wheel?
These days, LucasFilm and the people involved in making new films seem to be so self-interested in making films for themselves... They throw things into the SW that have either never been a problem or have no place in this universe. K. Kennedy has a great CV and I have no doubts that he is a very competent person, but with a brand like Star Wars something more is needed ... it takes passion, heart and soul. The most important thing is that SW has sincere fans of the series, enthusiasts, creative people, living and breathing SW who know what other fans want and that it gives them a voice, accept constructive criticism and suggestions.

For all SW fans the bigest problem with K. Kennedy is that she is committed to making films for herself (and a tiny group of devoted followers) with the goal of communicating her own propaganda and perception of society. It's obvious that they make movies for money, but with this broadening audience it's shooting yourself in the knee .....
SW survived for 40 years with two trilogies 16 years apart, and each movie came out with a 2-3 year gap. And who has kept the brand up for years of the "drought season" (in the sense of cinema films, of course) ?? The answer is one - the fans!!! Fans that LucasFilm now consider unnecessary and even harmful. And they mostly stuffed their moneybox with TFA.
I hope LucasFilm understands that this is the way it is, that women will never make up the bulk of the fandom of franchises like SW. Mainly men are the collectors of figurines, cards or whatever related to SW. Mainly men nerds at all kinds of SW events. These fans will not buy Barbie dolls or watch Forces of Destiny - is anyone watching this? I do not know how the stories presented there are canonical ...

We all loved Princess Leia, it was she who at one point took the command of the escape from the prison on the Dead Star into her own hands as Han and Luke were confused. She was the leader of the Rebella and the head of the New Republic! Leia was a princess! Padme was the queen! A warrior and relentless in the fight for what is right and good for citizens! It was because of the inexhaustible love for his mother and his beloved Padme that Ankin began to transform to the dark side, out of regret for the death of his mother whom he could not save, and for fear of losing his pregnant wife. It was not for the pure sake of power that he betrayed his Jedi brothers and renounced good, and went to the dark side - but mainly out of fear and pain at the loss of his beloved women - because of the love of his life! And what were the last words of Darth Vader, redeemed Ankin to his son Luke just before he died? - "Tell your sister that you were right about me"! Women and the love of men towards them were the driving force behind the entire history and sense of the SW! Besides, of course, the fight between good and evil.
No one of the SW fans has ever minded the role of strong independent women who were the leaders and led men to a struggle for good! So why all this junk forced feminism? Why we must see this sexism on the part of K. Keeneda and her surroundings to forcefully destroy and humiliate male heroes and in their place introduce - who? Charismatic figures as Leia or Padme? -The answer is no! But who the introduce instead? - A not likable Mary Sue Rey-from-nowhere-Palpatine! Disney - but why?!
So let them stop this pushy propaganda of distorted feminism, because fans of SW have never had a problem with strong female characters. It was never a SW problem. The problem is with female characters who exalt themselves by humiliating and making a mockery of men. Currently, morbid attention is paid to the gender, skin color and sexual orientation of the characters, and the characters themselves are forgotten… their character, purpose, and motivation.
I can watch SW with all African American lesbians but let them give me a good story and interesting characters. Now, if someone criticizes the new SW, they are immediately called racist or sexist who is afraid of strong female characters and doesn't like the racial diversity of the cast.
SW has always shown an enormous variety, thousands of planets, races, cultures - why mess with it when it worked well?
I hope that instead of focusing on destroying the Skywalkers, she will learn something from Anakin's redemption. Otherwise she will end up like the Emperor - thrown into the shaft - or rather by fans in to a trash compactor... It is up to her - hunger for power and sick ideologies? - or respect and humility for the SW beloved by millions of fans.
Luckily we also have the Favreau, Filoni and Lucas trio - who are bringing back the balance in the Force! :)


- "Fade in" - K. Kennedy's hypocrisy was exposed by Star Wars fans when she performed in "Kathleen Kennedy 2021 Scientific and Technical Awards" :
- Funny - K. Kennedy has time to read from the Prompter about "how she respects women for their independence and strength" - but does not have the time and courage to tell Gina Carano as in any normal company about her fired from work - but only through Tweeter? How very professional...
- Funny - K. Kennedy says a lot about "how much she is against persecution and exclusion, especially women" -but allows Gina Carano to be slandered for months without giving her a single support. :(
- Funny - K. Kennedy talks a lot about "how much she cares about equality and tolerance and the fair treatment of women" - but then dismisses Gine Carano only because she has no tolerance for her because they have different views. :(
- Funny - K. Kennedy has a lot to say about "how much she is against racism" - by giving all her support to Ch. Aurielle's anti-white racist posts. And how much she is against posts about politics, but when P. Pascal posts about extermination camps and comparing Americans to Nazis, it's all ok... :(
- Funny - K. Kennedy says a lot about how much she supports black people, but in the posters for the PRC she excludes the character of Finn and forgets about the 90th birthday of Mr. James Earl Jones. :(
- Funny - K. Kennedy in a famous interview said a lot about how much she would respect Georg Lucas' life work when he transferred her power and how much she would respect the stories, worlds and heroes he created - doing everything to destroy his work. :(
- Funny - K. Kennedy said they "don't have the source material" that they could use to make films, while having Lucas scripts for episodes 7-9 and thousands of stories from books and comic from the Expanded Universe - which she all threw in the trash bin. :(
- Funny - that until 2012 LucasFilm, LucasArts and Star Wars was my beloved universe, on which I wanted to spend a lot of money, having fun with it! :)
- Funny - that until 2012 Star Wars was like George Lucas said about his work - 'Soap Opera' About 'Family Problems,' Not 'Spaceships'. Which I loved like millions of fans because as Lucas created it - it was a great story for the family about the fight between good and evil and about the hope. :)
- Funny - but suddenly, from 2013, SOMEONE decided to destroy it - and instead of entertainment for families, started treating it as a platform where they must force ideological and political agendas to replace everything we loved about Star Wars! :(
- Funny - when SOMEONE chose to destroy everything that george Lucas created: the Original Trilogy, Sequels and Expanded Universe - with the primary goal of destroying the most beloved by fans character - Luke Skywalker - who represents everything that they despite and hate, because he is white Caucasian hetero male. :(
- Funny - that SOMEONE is responsible for the division among fans, dividing their own company into factions, creating a place that excludes others due to their gender, origin, race, views - becoming a place of total hypocrisy, exclusion, persecution, racism, double standards and cancel culture... - "Congratulations" Kathy, not everyone could in such a spectacular way totally destroy the treasure they inherited! :(

- Not Funny - Until #FireKathleenKennedy won't happen - to stop her from destroying LucasFilm and Star Wars: from persecuting her employees, disrespecting Lucas and his work, disrespecting the fans, until she and her surroundings won't STOP introduce political-ideological agendas into Star Wars - instead of making it an entertaining story about hope for the family as Star Wars has been so far - until then I won't be watchin a single product that Disney will implement under such morally fallen leadership.
-"Fade out".

Luckily we have the Favreau, Filoni and Lucas trio - who are bringing back the balance in the Force! :)

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